35. How many hours/day and what months do the children attend school? Describe the school environment. 6 hours of school/day. Classes under the open sky; very basic almost no discipline for 1st graders. Our children are all in 1st grade and will go to school for 10 years. 36. What type of health care do you receive? None. 37. What form of birth control do you use? After 4 children, Mashre has had her tubes tied. 38. Does your family feel safe? Yes. 39. Do you lock your door at night? No. 40. Have you ever been robbed? No. 41. Do you do anything to protect yourselves? No. Family Leisure 42. Describe what you do during your leisure time. Bachau goes wrestling and to the market for tea. Spends 1 rupee ($.03 US) for tea. Rest of the family stays home. Mashre sits with other girls to talk and paint feet. 44. Does your family take vacations? When and where? No. 45. What other places have you visited within your country? None. 46. Where have you visited outside the country? We have not been outside our country.